Ilke Gers
Move Along serves as an instruction manual for open-ended games, actions, and interventions to untrain the body and recondition space. The means to these ends are organized along various works created by Ilke Gers, serving as social props and cultural inspiration. New Zealand author Ilke Gers (b. 1981), is a former professional tennis player who found greater purpose in rethinking the art of playing through the disciplines of art and design. The book is perfectly proportioned and designed for easy reference and use besides being an excellent gift for teachers, coaches or anyone interested in body movement and pure fun.
May 2018 / Softcover / 5 x 8 in.
126 pp / 60 color
ISBN: 978-94-91677-84-7
Retail Price: $19.95
126 pp / 60 color
ISBN: 978-94-91677-84-7
Retail Price: $19.95